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Critical dialogue on climate change and climate justice

Critical dialogue on climate change and climate justice:
Wednesday, Feb 27th, 7pm, at the AME auditorium

Interested in learning about why carbon trading is a false solution to climate
change? Want to know how activists are fighting global warming and working towards
true climate justice? Wish that you could hear all this stuff presented in an
engaging, understandable way? Then join us for an evening of critical discussion
and education about climate change and carbon trading.

The evening will begin with a presentation from members of Rising Tide North
America about their work fighting the root causes of climate change. Rising Tide is
a group of grassroots activists dedicated to promoting climate justice and stopping
climate change in its tracks with a unique blend of popular education and
coordinated direct action. They’re known for their excellent cross-country speaking
tours as well as organizing direct action campaigns against collaborators of
climate change, and have most recently been working to stop Bank of America’s
funding of new coal plants in the Southeast. For more information on their work, go

Our keynote speaker is carbon trading critic Larry Lohmann, member of the Durban
Group for Climate Justice and author of “Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on
Climate Change, Privatization, and Power”. The author of several other books and a
regular contributor to science- and climate-focused academic journals, Lohmann will
outline how carbon trading slows the social and technological change needed to cope
with global warming by unnecessarily prolonging the world’s dependence on oil, coal
and gas. Specifically, his talk will focus on the contradictions of emissions
trading and offset trading, why failed approaches are so popular among the world’s
elites, and what the U.S. can now learn from the rest of the world. To learn more
about Lohmann’s new book and the Durban Group for Climate Justice, go to

The AME auditorium is located on the northeast corner of Mountain and Speedway.
Parking is available in the Zone 1 parking lot to the east of the auditorium. For
more information about this event, please contact

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