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Our Word is Our Weapon, if you have anything you would like us to publish please send us an email @



The Barrio Run is a reflection of a historical Indigenous tradition that brings about change through prayer. The energy that is projected from the momentum of the run, its runners and their intentions will be reciprocated in the form of a healing and ultimately a blessing. The Peace and Dignity Journeys also clarifies this tradition by stating, “As indigenous people, we know that running was and is a vital part of ceremonial life. Our ancestors and elders have taught us that spiritual running reinforces the unity among the two-legged, nature, and the universe” (2000). Presently, the Barrio Run is used as a channel to carry out postivie change in our local communities. The runs are not marches, rallies, or races, but are an opportunity for our people to work united with all the rest of creation to bring a healing to our people, one neighborhood at a time.

Background: The 1st Barrio Run was held in the fall of 2004. A group of community members along with student run youth organizations, organized the Barrio Run with hopes to promote peace and dignity among the community and local neighborhoods. Another key objective of the Barrio Run was to educate and bring awareness on political propositions and their effects on the community. The run took place in Barrio Hollywood and Menlo Park (Tucson, AZ) and was successful as it was highly supported by the families from the local neighborhoods.

As a result of the first run and its impact, it was decided that there would be 4 sets of 13 runs totaling 52 runs within a 4-year span. This is significant of the 52-year marker as represented in the TONALMACHIOTL (Aztec Calendar). To date we are still in the process of accomplishing this goal. Today many youth, elders, families, and community members participate in and support the barrio runs.

Ceremonial instruments play a key role in guiding the run and all participants.
A group of Xicano Nahuatl people whom are involved in the runs created and maintain a ceremonial staff that establishes the pace of the run, provides protection, and serves as an ongoing witness to the events taking place.

Starting and ending points represent important markers and signify both the positive and negative sites in the community that have a significant impact on the neighborhood. For example, locations such as parks, schools, juvenile detention centers, liquor stores, local landmarks, and neighborhood centers are selected. At these locations, an opening and closing to the four directions takes place and words are shared by anyone who wishes to express themselves.

Purpose: The Barrio Run is an indigenous approach of spirituality and serves as a tool to send forth a blessing of positive energy. In addition, the purpose of the Barrio Run is to promote peace and dignity, to encourage a drug and alcohol free, healthy lifestyle, through culture. Furthermore the Barrio Run serves as a method of bringing awareness to current political and social injustices affecting the community.


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